Monday, February 24, 2014

DIY macro lens using a laser pointer

Hey everyone! Yesterday I stumbled upon a site ( that shows you how to make a macro lens for your phone using a laser pointer! I was so excited to try this. You need:
Tape, a laser pointer, and a bobby pin. 

Screw or pull off (depending on the laser pointer)the end part that projects the laser. 

This is what was inside mine. The silver piece is what contains the lens, which is the last piece on the right. 

Open up a bobby pin and place it inside. But be careful! The lens may pop out and go flying haha! 

Place the bobby pin on your phone so that the lens is in front of you phones camera lens and tape it down! That's it, super easy and works really well! 

Here's a couple pics I took using my iphone 5 and homemade macro lens :)

    Peacock feather

    Bottle shot of Trelly Polish "Pool Toys"

I hope you found this useful! If you want to see more macro pics, follow me on Instagram @polishednubs :D

-Shaylene <3


  1. Woah! Love it! My lens sucks and I use an app which still isn't that great. But then the kitties will be sad because their laser would be broken. ;) lol

    1. It's amazing! I have an app I was using too and isn't very good. :( with my laser pointer I'm still able to put my lens back in and it works! Try It out!

  2. Well now I'm going to have to see if I have a laser pointer somewhere around the house to try that out !
